Arrest Ageing & Regain Youthful Looking Skin!

Anti Ageing


Anti Ageing Treatment

Do you want to look eternally young and beautiful? Then Lifescc is your go-to place for all your skincare requirements.

Ageing is inevitable; skin ageing occurs when skin cells couldn't be able to produce an adequate amount of collagen protein in the skin leading to loosening of skin firmness, elasticity, and shine.

Loss of elastin (elastic tissue) & thinning of the epidermis layer in the skin play a vital role in showing up early signs of skin ageing, causing the skin to hang loosely leading to skin sagging.

Skin ageing mostly occurs due to two factors one is external factors, and the other one is internal factors. Where sunlight, pollution come under external factors. Progressing age and genes fall into internal factors.

High Therapy
High-intensity ultrasound therapy is a highly advanced USFDA treatment method that is an entirely non-invasive procedure with zero downtime. It uses ultrasound imaging technology that makes it possible for the cosmetologist to see the layers being treated. The ultrasound energy is deposited in the deep tissues of the skin and helps the skin achieve the optimal temperature to aid natural collagen generation.

Radiofrequency skin tightening
Radiofrequency skin tightening is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment method that works gently on your skin that uses Radio Frequency (RF) energy to heat the different layers of skin tissue to stimulate natural collagen production. The RF waves remodel and contract the skin collagen to tighten sagging skin.

To achieve a more youthful look, the lines and wrinkles on the skin can be filled with a filler agent like collagen and other agents. Collagen is made of natural protein which helps in the nourishment of the skin. Fillers show an immediate effect in smoothing out the fine lines on the forehead, around the eyes and lips and restore lost volume to the skin.

“Sometimes all it takes is a phone call, make it” -Rai Chakraborty

Make Lifescc your holistic health partner
Over the past 10 years, Life slimming and the cosmetic clinic has evolved as one of the top leading health and wellness care brands in south India by pioneering several advanced, specialized, revolutionary treatment methods to our clients and customers in their diverse medical needs simply and effectively.

Our state of the art facilities at our clinics complemented by our highly trained and certified dermatologists skilled & specialized in offering superior quality skin services has helped us in gaining trust and confidence of our customers and in turn, enabled us to stand out in a sea of look-alikes in big cities.

If you are looking forward to the best anti-ageing treatment in Hyderabad, Vizag, Vijayawada & Nellore. Please visit your nearest lifescc clinic for free body analysis and counselling, where our experts clearly explain all the procedures to help you make an informed decision.

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