Medi Facial Treatment

  • The Medifacials are solutions used to destroy the outer damaged skin cells in a controlled and safe manner.

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With Lifescc’s Medi Facial Treatment Method

By now, many of us might be wondering to know the difference between routine facials and medi facials. We are all more used to the habit of going to a salon once or twice in a week for facial purposes. But not many of us know about the type of ingredients they use or how safe those facials are to our skin. Hence to fill this latent gap and to offer a safer facial treatments method to the end customers,medi facials have come into existence. Unlike salon facials, medi facial treatment methods are performed under the strict supervision of an approved dermatologist, and the ingredients used in this are also based on vitamins, antioxidants and alpha hydroxyl acids. This will not only offer you an instant brightening effect but also help protect your skin from signs of early ageing in the long run without any side effects.

Are these medi facials only to women?

Massive changes in the consumer lifestyle choices on one end and a spike in their income levels on the other end have brought a broader shift in the consumer preferences towards using more natural beauty care products and services in the recent past. Medi facials have now become immensely popular across all age groups and genders. Now if we can see the statistics, men constitute for about more than 30% of total consumers opting for medi facials. This talks more about the changed scenario in the consumer stereotype perceptions & lifestyle changes came over in recent times.
How safe are medi facial treatments?
Medi facial treatments offer not only instant but also long-lasting results. They are also safe on all types of skin types and colours.

What are the benefits of medi facial treatments?
Medi facials do deep skin cleansing and remove dead cells on the skin. They rejuvenate the skin without causing damage to its protective layer.

Why Lifescc

Over the past 10 years, Life slimming and the cosmetic clinic has evolved as one of the top leading health and wellness care brands in south India by pioneering several advanced, specialized, revolutionary treatment methods to our clients and customers in their diverse medical needs simply and effectively.

Our state of the art facilities at our clinics complemented by our highly trained and certified dermatologists skilled & specialized in offering superior quality skin services has helped us in gaining trust and confidence of our customers and in turn, enabled us to stand out in a sea of look-alikes in big cities.

If you are looking forward to the best medi facial treatment in Hyderabad, Vizag, Vijayawada & Nellore. Please visit your nearest lifescc clinic for free body analysis and counselling, where our experts clearly explain all the procedures to help you make an informed decision.

Reduce Fine Lines

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles caused by sun damage, ageing and family history.

Improve Texture And Tone 

Treats acne and reduces the appearance of mild scarring.

Reduce Pore Size

Improves the look, feel and brightness of tired skin.

Prevents Bacterial Breakouts

Medi-facial such as an anti-acne facial helps eradicate the bacteria that cause inflammation during breakouts with the help of LED light.